FREE BATHING RITUAL GUIDE! The Aphrodisiac Bath of Renewed Goddess Sensuality (PDF)
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Bathing Ritual Secrets!
Learn the secrets to create an Aphrodite-inspired bathing ritual that will invoke more love, abundance, connection, and Divine Feminine energy  in your life.
Learn the exact ingredients that will help you create a decadent and healing bath ritual that will immediately shift your energy, and allow in more love!
Get 7 specific and easy steps to take to create the most potent love spell and bathing ritual you've ever experienced!
Bathtime Raves!
What other goddesses are saying about this bathtime brew...
I Feel Renewed!

 "I really love The Aphrodite Bath of Renewed Twin Flame Goddess Sensuality. I’ve been using it often and I truly feel renewed."

Monica Bermudez
Man Magnetism

" I’ve noticed men look at me in a different light... It’s amazing! Thank you Amanda Noelle for sharing the ingredients/recipe!"

Magdalene Priestess
Don't wait for your Twin Flame to come to you, the magic awaits you when you call it in! Get started with the FREE PDF guide, "The Aphrodisiac Bath of Renewed Goddess Sensuality" designed for smart, spiritual Twin Flame women by claiming your gift here!
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