High Priestess Professor Course Submission Form

online metaphysics universityWelcome High Priestess Professor!

So excited to have you here.  Please fill out the following form to submit your 6-module course.
NOTE: Please put your Course Descriptions and Module Descriptions in 3rd person. For instance,
“In this course, you’ll learn these tools…
“High Priestess Professor Dara Merin will teach you how to use raw chocolate…” etc.

Craft your hot titles!

Please be specific and list results and numbers; do not be vague or no one will really want to come.  Vague classes lead to vague audiences.
“How to Get 10 Clients a Month Using X Technique” or
“6 Steps to Build Your 6-Figure Energy Healer Practice” or
“Quicker Books: From Scattered Shoebox Biz to Organized Bookkeeping in Just 30 Days”  
We are delighted that you are contributing your genius at AU. We look forward to receiving your form!
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