soulmate client attraction
Congrats and welcome to your Soulmate Client Attraction Toolkit!

You have just made a huge leap forward to building and expanding your Divine Feminine bli$$ness in ease.

This yummy toolkit contains the magical ingredients and secret spices to get your Soulmate Client Attraction brew bubbling!

Are you ready to attract your Soulmate Clients in droves? Soulmate Clients are high-paying soul-aligned clients with whom you have a deep and heart-felt soul connection, who take your biz to 6 or 7-figures faster than ever. The energy can often be palpable and there will be a mutually healing energetic bond between you and your Soulmate Client. The financial exchange between each party can amplify the healing and becomes a sort of blessing to affirm each person’s value, abundance, energy, and love.

I think of my time working with my Soulmate Clients as a sacred marriage: an exchange through Holy MatriMoney which fosters both of our spiritual, intellectual, business, and personal growth. We become like two “beloveds,” who become more powerful by bonding together, sharing info, and joining forces. Are you ready!?

This toolkit is for you if you are ready to:

  • Make 6 or 7-figures via sacred exchanges with your soul family
  • Attract high-paying Soulmate Clients from around the world who make your heart melt so every day is fun and magical!
  • Get fired up to fill  your practice faster than a speeding bullet through Soulmate Client Attraction
  • Let go of naggers, naysayers, and cheapskate clients who vampire out your energy

Yay! I am so friggin’ excited for you to step into your Soulmate Client Attraction new life and 6 or 7-figure bli$$ness.

To make best use of this magical toolkit, I recommend playing with it at your own pace over the next 2 weeks, including doing the exercises, repeating them as desired/needed, integrating the tips slowly, and taking action to manifest your Soulmate Clients. Schedule action steps in your calendar as you go: make it “funwork” (not homework!), and envision yourself with the perfect results you desire.

I highly recommend coming back to the toolkit over the next 2 weeks as much as possible to make the Soulmate Client Attraction magic happen fast.

Alrighty Aphrodite, let’s GO! Off to your Soulmate Client Attraction BLI$$ <3

1) Soulmate Client Attraction 101 (mp3)

In this class, we’ll go over the definition of soulmate clients and you’ll learn client soulmating basics so you can fill your practice with high-paying amazing peeps:

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 2) Soulmate Client Attraction Writing Exercise (Video)

In this video, you will receive one simple yet crucial tip to quickly channel through your Soulmate Clients:

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3) Womanifesting with Womb Wisdom (MP3)

The following class, Womanifesting with Womb Wisdom: Bringing in Magic, Wealth and Wonder Via the Womb Space will teach you to:

  • Get out of your head and into your PU$$Y Power when it comes to manifesting
  • Clear out old trauma and debris from your womanly portal, the PU$$Y Power and womb so you can swiftly attract Soulmate Clients (and whatever else you want)
  • Activate your sacred sexuality to the next level, so that you’re sparkling and shiny to your Soulmate Clients and tribe!

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4) Branding to Attract Your Soulmate Clients (Video)

It’s time to take your personal brand pro-magical and get your Soulmate Client Attraction energies on! You’ll learn:

  • Three keys to brand your BLI$$ness to get your Soulmate Clients quickly in the door
  • Why being vulnerable and real sells way more than the canned crap
  • How to bling out  your brand to make you and your brand famous so you can spread your soul-purposed message and make money!

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5) Soulmate Client Attraction Receiving Meditation

No matter how many potential Soulmate Clients you attract into your aura, you won’t be able to enroll them unless you’re clear to receive.

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6) BONUS INTERVIEW: HerTerms Telesummit Interview with Kara Gilligan

In this interview, learn how to attract your bli$$ the Divine Feminine way.

  • Get tips to go from a struggling 4-figure income to an easy and blissful 6-figure income
  • Get over perfectionism and take imperfect action
  • Get energized to live the life you love while having more impact

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7) Your last step is to sign up for our upcoming free training to help you blow up your 6 figure bli$$ness, Divine Feminine style

CLICK HERE to sign up for your free business training on Soulmate Client Attraction!