The Aphrodite University MA Program Love Coach & Love Leadership Certification is a year-long (400-hour) program certifying you in becoming a:
The MA Program, fondly called the "Mistress Degree," is a Love Coach Certification. The year-long journey is designed to help women become certified love coaches, relationship & dating coaches and/or Twin Flame Alchemists by applying powerful coaching and healing modalities while following their inner wisdom and forging their own unique body of work.
The MA Program couples live online and in-person coursework, with practical training and supportive supervision, with self-paced independent research and a life-changing Love Leadership Intensive done over 8-days in tropical paradise.
One marked by a profound inner balance between feminine and masculine energies....
One based on love, nourishment, inner reflection, and outer action.
Join us as we guide you to become a certified Love Coach, where you'll learn to alchemize past pains into pleasure, and recognize 'trauma' as a wellspring of personal and collective growth.
Our approach fosters deep transformation, not only for your clients, but also for you on a personal level. Twin Flame Alchemy encourages us to contribute to healing the world by finding the aligned space within."
- Amanda + Jack
Founders of Aphrodite University
“Before joining AU, I was married for 11 years. It was a very verbally and emotionally abusive relationship.
Just after finishing the first 6 months in the program, I was honestly the happiest I had ever been! I painfully cleared away a very toxic relationship (false twin flame) by clearing out an abuse cycle that I have been living out since I was a little girl.
I had lots of very deep insights and cleared out a lot of old childhood beliefs and traumas.
After my Twin Flame Attraction Ceremony, I found wonderful deep unconditional love with a childhood friend who I have been separate from for 26 years. We are so in love! (Update: they've been together for 6 years now!)
~Jennifer Angela Koenig, Connecticut
During this powerful activation, you will create an entirely new relationship with money that aligns with your soul’s infinite nature that balances the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. Clarify what Holy MatriMoney uniquely looks like for you, and discover how to quickly bring it in--your way! Dissolve your biggest money blocks into a flowing 6 or 7-figure income and beyond.
We’ll cancel negative collective and family karmas that have enslaved so many in the dark side of money so you can break any money chains that have been keeping you and your income small.
You will align with a Divine Feminine flow of money that is magnetic, effortless, and easily abundant! You’ll call in the Divine Masculine structural aspect of money for His protection, and support. Let’s open your money channels so you can live the abundant life you deserve!
During this soul-shifting ritual led by Jack himself, you’ll drop your daddy issues for good. You’ll participate in a powerful Divine Masculine Activation ceremony to close up the karma and cut the cords with your dad and other false father figures in your present or past, so their energy isn’t in your field interrupting your Twin Flame game. You’ll awaken to the new codes of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Father that help you align with your Twin Flame counterpart.
Jack will be there to hold space for your transformation. You’ll instantly feel a boost in your self-worth that’ll allow you to turn heads. It’s finally time to eradicate the dear-old-dad patterns that keep you energetically merged and married to your dad, and kissing frogs! By participating in the Divine Masculine Healing Ceremony, you’ll call in the space you need to align with a man who reflects your truest divine light.
Revolutionize your dating life! Make finding your Twin Flame fun and pleasurable, vs stressful and boring by going on a “Date With the Divine Masculine.” During these two live group “love experiments” you’ll be giggling like a schoolgirl again... The experiment combines a group training with a group blind date with an eligible bachelor. Practice keeping your heart open while dating with discernment. Increase your Communionication (communication and engagement skills) with the Divine Masculine in a safe space with your mentors and SeaStars.
Before the bachelor arrives, you will receive a short training to help you embody feminine love while putting healthy masculine boundaries in place so you can fully RECEIVE a healthy masculine energy. Whether or not you’re single or already in Union with your Twin Flame, this love experiment will allow you to study your energy, increase your confidence, and become aware of hidden patterns so you can shift them and love deeper.
The call ends with a group debrief without our bachelor so you can integrate what you’ve learned and rewrite your love life/dating script! Two dates total.
"I felt a distinct shift in my consciousness. I instantly feel more confident, despite my own (and others) criticisms. I began to experience the bliss I'd been waiting for. I created my dream job in a matter of months! My whole life has changed as a result of working with Amanda. She assuredly is working with the Highest forces as the blessings and growth I have seen are immense and almost indescribable."
- Ayla Ulrikson, Calgary, Canada