Receive Your Doctoral Degree as a High Priestess


The Ph.D. degree helps Divine Feminine visionaries to become Love Leaders: love coaches, matchmakers, speakers, and heart-healing mystics.

Are you a woman visionary who wishes to:

  • Become an expert love coach, heart-healer, or matchmaker?
  • Birth a 6 or 7-figure soul-aligned bli$$ness the field of love and relationships?
  • Become an author, writer, or speaker in the field of love and relationships?
  • Master and mistress her Divine Feminine leadership skills as a love priestess?
  • Learn how to teach Twin Flame Tantra healing and Sex Magic to your clients?

Our doctoral degree program, aka “The PhDiva,” helps women entrepreneurs become High Priestesses initiated in the Divine Feminine Healing Arts. As a PhDiva, you’ll learn to spread Twin Flame Love using metaphysics, mysticism, business, transpersonal counseling, and energy healing skills.

This self-paced program takes 2-3 years to complete.





The PhD Program assists bright, creative, and playful starlets like yourself to become the new star celebrities as they rise the new Divine Feminine Paradigm by spreading love across the globe!.

Why Aphrodite University?

At Aphrodite University, we provide a blissful and potent PhD program to initiate you as a 6 or 7-figure High-Healed Priestess… The coursework includes: blissness, Twin Flame Attraction, Pussy Power, and mysticism. We promote a work-life balance; our graduates become teachers, authors, speakers, and Divine Feminine leaders who enjoy free time for travel, play, pleasure, and love. We focus on getting results, not just on doing homework. We offer you top high-end business building models that were previously only available through traditional business schools, corporate business trainings, and high-end coaching programs at a high cost.

We’re building this new paradigm together in celebration; as an PhD student, you get to be part of a bli$$ness movement. You are also welcomed, cherished and loved as a goddess in sisterhood. We face our fears by throwing pink sparkles in fear’s face, in celebration, with pink bubbly champagne, with online parties, community, conversations, classroom time, collaborations, excitement! As an AU PhD, you are part of a community, a collaboration, and a high-end lifestyle; your PhD program is more than just a degree – it’s a lifestyle with grounded results. Instead of focusing on draining homework assignments or studying for midterms, we focus on getting you out into the world running your 6-figure bli$$ness, taking on your Soulmate Clients and making a difference in the world.

What We’re Not

We’re not focused on grades and test scores as we believe that’s a waste of time and doesn’t apply to what our High-End Priestesses truly need. If you’re looking for a traditional academic graduate program that drains you and trains you to work in a corporate setting, do not apply here. We are about taking action from our bliss, and consistently turning our fears into love. We’re also not about punishing our students too hard; we believe that bliss, luxury, and self-care attract an HHP’s money and success!


What You’ll Get During the PhD Program:

            • Learn ancient temple priestess teachings: channeling, tantric tools, energy healing, past life regression, conscious conception, womb wisdom, and Twin Flame attraction
            • Create a high-end luxury brand that you get to fully embody, so you can live in bliss, and never have to worry about money again 
            • Go from stuck or bored in your business, to bli$$ful, confident, and soul-aligned as a love coach or matchmaking muse
            • Swiftly attract your high-paying Soulmate Clients who align with your craft
            • Shine your unique light (and feel secure as you do so!), so you can become a new paradigm teacher or star celebrity
            • Awaken your Sacred Feminine energies, aka ‘Pussy Power’–arouse your sacred sexuality to run your mission, bli$$nes, and life on erotic goddess juice (vs masculine mental energy–which leads to burnout & boredom.


































































































































Frequently Asked Questions








Here are answers to the most common questions about the PhD Program.




How long is the PhD program? The PhD takes approximately 2-3 years to complete. Some students finish their degree requirements before the 2 year mark, but they will still have access to all of their classes and can continue taking their courses at their own pace. Others may wish to take their course work at a slower pace and can extend the PhD beyond 2 years for a small additional fee. What if I can’t attend classes live? Aphrodite University courses are online, either live or pre-recorded by our High Priestess Professors and SeaStars. We offer several retreats each year which are taught in person or via livestream.  Nearly all of our live classes are placed on our online library where they are available 24-hours a day. Is it better to attend classes live or recorded? We encourage you to come to as many classes live as possible for the live group energy that gets exchanged. You can also ask your professors questions and participate during some of the classes. However, you might need to take many classes via the recording due to schedule conflicts and this is fine. We also suggest listening to the replays anyway to hear them a second time! You’d be surprised by how helpful this can be. Are your classes lectures, workshop, or discussion? Our courses combine lecture, workshop, and discussion. Our High Priestess Professors do a good job providing quality content that helps you quickly build your 6-figure bli$$ness. It’s also their job to give you exercises, ask you questions, stimulate your psychic muscles, so we do lots of meditations, workshopping, activations, and each professor provides an hour of Office Hours every month. Is their business coaching included in the program? We have hired a handful of high-end business coaches, High Priestess Professors who are experts in their field, to help you quickly build your 6 or 7-figure bli$$ness. They will provide group coaching, laser coaching, and time for Q & A in their Office Hours. They usually also offer a few minutes to talk at the end of every class. They are also available on our Aphrodite University Student Forum where they can answer your burning questions. What if I am not a confident and social, will I still enjoy your community? Most High-Healed Priestesses have to work through their shyness or shame. We provide a loving, safe, and supportive community and teach you how to ask for what you need. However, if you are so shy that you are unwilling to give our community a shot, we doubt this program is for you. We’re looking for New Paradigm leaders and HHPs here to lead a movement, not those here to hide and wallow in their past. That said, if you’re ready to work through your blockages, we have a supportive and loving community and are here to make some life-long connections as well as immediate networks. I am super busy in my life and have kids/a full time biz. Is this the right time to do it? You can totally take this program at your own pace, so it’s not really an issue to have multiple things going on. We know you’re a woman to the task! That said, we recommend carving out time ahead of time to make sure that you can get the space and help you need, like hiring a babysitter or getting a friend to support you, making a study and work schedule, to pre-schedule your courses a month ahead on the calendar, and to set client hours on certain days that don’t disturb some live AU class times. There is always a way to make your dreams come true, you just have to make time and want it badly enough!  
































































































































“One thing that happened to me soon after I joined AU was that in about a week after I had paid for the program, I received a check out of nowhere from the universe that was about $500 more than what I had paid for the program. I got my money back right away! (This really did happen!) The PhD program seems to be perfect for me building my media company, not only are the classes helping me to build a feminine based business, but I’ve also found myself connected to a lot of incredible like-minded women who are perfect for collaborating with. Most importantly I feel very supported at AU, and I know they will do everything in their power to help make sure my dreams come true.”
































































































































  Courtney Nicole Courtney Nicole