Our Students

We have a diverse student body at Aphrodite University. Our students are powerful priestesses and healerpreneurs who are committed to creating new ways of doing things…

AU sisters (aka SeaStars) are fed up with the cookie-cutter business templates and systems that don’t fit the Divine Feminine Flow, and they’re ready to rock new paradigms that align with their soul.

Our SeaStars are:

  • Are ancient souls of all ages: 18-81 years of age
  • Want to do business (bli$$ness) in a Divine Feminine way
  • Gifted healers and lightworkers
  • Intuitives, psychics, channels
  • Counselors
  • Life coaches
  • Astrologers
  • Dancers, yoginis, fitness coaches, etc
  • Tantrikas, sacred sexuality educators, dakinis
  • Holistic beauty experts, estheticians, beauticians
  • Feng shui practitioners
  • Sound healers
  • Crystal workers, Lemurians, Pleiadian, Atlantean healers
  • Hypnotherapists, past life regression therapists

AU SeaStars care deeply about the planet, who care about each other, and who want to walk the path of the priestess.  We are ready to monetize our skills and turn our gifts into gold.

Aphrodite University

Our students were once perhaps afraid of their power… But they’re no longer backing off!

Our SeaStars are ready to create new paradigms in the following areas:

  • Media, creating positive Divine Feminine models for beauty, wisdom, and power
  • Twin Flame and soulmate relationships so that all women have healthy and divine models for love
  • Self-esteem, spirituality, and psychology
  • In Hollywood, film, television etc., we are the new stars and we are shedding our light and beauty where it is needed
  • Holistic fitness, nutrition, food, and agriculture
  • Integrating the spiritual and Higher Dimensional worlds in every day life on earth
  • Bridging the gap between the “mainstream” and the “woo woo” worlds
  • Delivering spiritual knowledge to every day people and awakening the masses
  • Helping mothers and families become awakened and embodied Divine Mothers
  • Schools, social systems, and creating spiritual education for crystal children

If you are a woman leader and healer –loving, conscious, and embracing of Oneness–you are welcome at Aphrodite University!

And we’d like to invite you in for a FREE class and ceremony…

If you are a planetary healer and High-Healed Priestess who is ready to say yes to learning more about rising the Divine Feminine in your life, please join us for a complimentary class at our upcoming New Moon Raw Cacao Ceremony.